In the heart of Europe, a silent battle rages. Beneath the veneer of a tolerant society, Germany harbors a chilling truth: hidden contracts that systematically target religious minorities. These agreements, often shrouded in secrecy, justify prejudice and limit fundamental rights to individuals based solely on their faith. The victims, frequently f… Read More
[50] The Combes authorities labored eu news today with Masonic lodges to produce a magic formula surveillance of all army officers to ensure that devout Catholics wouldn't be promoted. uncovered given that the Affaire Des Fiches, the scandal undermined aid for the Combes federal government, and he resigned. In addition it undermined morale in the a… Read More
His Holiness Pope Francis has always been a strong advocate for drug prevention. He argues that the best way to fight the drug addiction epidemic is to prevent it before it starts. He has thus news european commission called on all communities to take much-needed action to prevent the rise in drug addiction. His constant reminder to the masses is… Read More